Sunday, September 22, 2024



I was angry when I said cunts

I should have opened the thesaurus and described things better

I was upset

I was annoyed that the world had blown itself up.

As a naive teenager I’d presumed we’d all align someday

There’d be no enemy, only a healthy rivalry, that made us all stronger

The global village was most definitely not a zero sum game.

We’d shake off the literal God and division

and get with the program

Time began at the Big Bang

Ideas of before and after the Universe 

are false human interpretations of things


Before consciousness, back when it was better described as sentience

When evolution was playing out across millions of years of sentient creatures living their lives under the sun, which burns a phenomenal amount of mass every hour, as atoms collide and combine into new elements at the core, and mass is converted to energy

Our love of Legends and Mythology kept us believing 

But I am still naive

We are sheep as such

We do colonise like ants and bees

Are bees sentient?

I think so

I don’t kill bees much, even though they could kill my bro with a sting and anaphylactic shock

I don’t kill spiders either

I sometimes pick ‘em up and throw 'em outside

I have no interest in killing, now that so much death has been done

It would have been fun to kill at least one person

It would have given me confidence.

And a Lizard’s tail is sentient, and a headless chicken

The head or the body?

Or the entanglement of life, living in the head and the body, for a few moments

There was a doctor who blinked as many times as he could

When his head was guillotined and his friend counted the blinks 

There was 7 blinks or maybe 17

His head in the basket

Blinking, like the Diving Bell and the Butterfly, dude

But I digress

I didn’t mean to be angry and write “could have been better” words onto the internet

I don’t think I was angry, I was mostly sad

I was on the moon, looking out the window

Putin sent the first nuclear bomb, it was intercepted, then the Yanks anihilated Moscow, the Chinese got involved next, and the whole shit show was like an after the pub party at my house, and it was all blokes, frustrated blokes and stupid carry on. We should have gone into town tonight and danced with women.

We should have taken taxis to the centre of the City.

I was worried. Would we make it?

All the infrastructure on Earth was set back

There’d be no more supply Spaceships from Earth

We had to make it now without support

And she was like, my Dad’s on an Asteroid and he’s like everything is groovy

I was like, I got as far as the Hornli hut only last week.

And she had spent her whole life on the moon, with the Internet in place of actual Earth and crowds of people, and sunlight burning like bitter cold. She’d never been in a hail or thunder storm.

Never ran down a mountain.

She’d lived with machines and virtual reality.

And she was happy, she knew nothing else

I guess she wasn’t sentimental for the reality of People on Earth, accustomed to a virtual connection

But she always said she knew the world wasn’t going to last. Maybe she was smart.

I was worried we wouldn’t make it.

But maybe her Dad was right

He was on an asteroid mining lithium, which could solve the energy storage problem

Friday, September 13, 2024

Make Spaceships not war

Agree military deconstruction, prove it with Space Engineering

Believe in Earth, life on Earth and The Solar System

Nonsense for the sake of God abounds still on the 13th of September 2024

Fighting for land and hoarding derelict property

Life on Mars

The 1st Martian birth is something to celebrate

Her father was stationed on an Asteroid 

She worked in the Elon Musk museum 

In the lunar crater Tycho that had been topped with a dome 

of curved carbon fiber webbing, interlaced with transparent synthetic glass

Her mother had given birth to her, 21 years ago

I was 35, 17

She played the Doors and Led Zeppelin mostly

And everything from Reggae to Stravinski inbetween

Ska and Jazz, Rock and roll and 90s dance 

I asked for a double espresso, the first time I was there

She dressed like Nyota Uhura

And didn’t pay me much attention

The nuclear war had commenced on Earth on a Tuesday

It didn’t seem to matter anymore if you were diverse

It was all that was left of us, against the elements

She wasn’t worried at all, I knew she was too stupid to be worried at all

And my smart friend turned to Buddhism and gave up on engineering our way out of this conundrum altogether

Although stupid and playing the same music over and over, she still served a purpose

She had a rhythm and she was happy

We had a long way to go to survive

I knew I would die someday, but I meant we, the extended me, the Universe. I knew it would survive, and with it, human consciousness. I’d trust her to carry the light

She had a rhythm and she was happy

Like a dude on Earth chanting his prayers, over and over and re-iterating rules and rules and rules on behavior

Before shit got real and Putin probably started it

And Allah wasn’t so sweet anymore in the hot burning injection of death by stupidity as the bombs go Bang

They really gone a done it, they lit the world up

The moon was Crescent

And from the darkness in the shine of Earth, we looked out and saw a world on fire

I couldn’t understand how indifferent she was about it

I wanted to express my rage and I wanted to vomit and cry

The world was on fire, It was fucked,It was over

There'd be radiation everywhere for years

Cunts! Bad Cunts! every last one of them, that had anything to do with it

The worst kind of absolute plonkers of the highest order

Her Dad was stationed on an Asteroid and he called her and she talked to him

As the 'Light my fire' solo prevailed

Everyone was acting normal, so I just acted normal and raised my hand 

She put her phone down having said goodbye, love you too

She come along “Espresso?”

No, I said, Cappuccino please

In 7 minutes she returned with my drink

Shame about the Earth she said

It was nice to hear her talk to me

Do you think we’ll make it, I asked

Oh Yeah, I was just talking to my Dad who’s stationed on an Asteroid, he's like there’s so much potential out here, so many minerals, so much opportunity

He always says we lost the cold war, like we all lost the cold war. We should have played on and captured Mars, but we blew it up. We wasted our best efforts on defence and warfare, we should have deconstructed our egos years ago, when we had the chance, and done this thing together. Earth could have made it. But it's boiling with insane ideas from from Organic origins. The inertia is not consciousness, but it apes like AI. You're alright, I know you, you know, I've see your insta.

But aren't you sad for Earth, I said. isn't it melancholy

I was born here on the Moon, she said, I'm 100% Lunar. I never expected Earth to make it, to be honest.

I was half way up the Matterhorn last Wednesday. Earth was doing just fine.

Where’s that she asked

Europe, I said

She put her hand on my shoulder, I'm sorry Man, but you gotta big up. I appreciate it's a melancholy day for you Earth dudes

Love her Madly plays now

Don't you love her Madly

It's just a world, everybody gets one


Wednesday, September 11, 2024


            September 11th 2024

Our hearts switched on together

@ 4:20

The human embryonic heart starts beating at 21 to 23 days after fertilization

We were born on the 3rd of December

Within an hour of each other

On the north side of the City in a hospital ward

You were buried in Glasnevin cemetery in your family plot

I was 21, we were still, cosmic twins

Life began here 3.5 billion years ago

100,000 years ago, we made rudimentary tools

We ate better and the hunter's protein rich diet expanded our minds and our memory and our imagination and our consciousness

We are sentient now

Contemplating AI

On September 11th you had your seventh birthday

I sent no present

And broke even in the Casino that evening

With a mix of Poker and 21

Frank was a painter

Aisling was a gatherer

Saoirse foretold the future

Jim was in the Matrix

Olive was a narrator

And Nigel played the dried out, hollowed out, drift wood tree trunk, that was washed up on the shore

In the sky the satellites looked like stars

Especially the geostatic ones

Others were wandering stars, Planets on high

Energy was trapped into matter

The strong and the weak nuclear forces 

Held us from parting at the speed of light in all direction

In 3 dimensions

There was the known and the unknown

And in between were the Idols 

All the characters that had printed their lives onto ours

All hail the Starship enterprise

Let’s do this

Let’s build a City on Mars

Look where we worship. 
We all live in the city. 
The city forms- often physically, but inevitably
"People are mistaken when they think that technology just automatically improves... It only improves if a lot of people work very hard to make it better"

Hey Jimmy, where ' you going

Jimmy where ' you going 


Sunday, July 7, 2024


Quotation marks

At 2:00 am I watched the International Space Station go by. 

Just another "star" in my dog’s eyes, if she’d even looked up, if it had caught her attention like a seagull on the beach. There’s people up there I told her, 4 limbed, 2 eyed mammals like us. The first mammalian Astronaut was a dog, like you, called Laika.

The “Far Left” beat the “Far right” in France tonight, 

I got bet by King Queen suited in the poker tourney tonight.

Why are they planning a controlled destructive de-orbit of the space station?

If they’re going to all that trouble, why not push it out, use it, re-use it

I have no idea about these things.

But I have some idea rockets and jet engines and internal combustion engines and electric motors and Astronauts, and the inconvenient properties of the "prophet"

I'm not lost, utterly lost.

I still believe in work, I still respect the effort,

that makes the "star"-like space station move, through the night sky

in light of all the miserable resentment

that pits us against ourselves

anything but face the vastness of space